everydaytaichi students' personal opinions
Insights from those who practice Tai Chi
As we try to verbalize to describe our feelings that we have experienced in learning Tai Chi, we find that there are many things our students share that are very similar. However, there are others who have experienced feelings that are very unique. There is a wide spectrum of experiences and degrees in which practicing Tai Chi has affected us all. To some there even seems to be something a bit mystical in what we have experienced.
As we try to verbalize to describe our feelings that we have experienced in learning Tai Chi, we find that there are many things our students share that are very similar. However, there are others who have experienced feelings that are very unique. There is a wide spectrum of experiences and degrees in which practicing Tai Chi has affected us all. To some there even seems to be something a bit mystical in what we have experienced.
Here are some of the comments, benefits, ahas, and feelings.
In summary, Tai Chi gives us Social, Physical and Mental Benefits. However, there is something more that I feel but I’m not sure how to verbalize it and describe it. I know that feeling is there but I yet cannot really put my finger on it. I suspect it has something to do with my Chi, but I will have to be patient and experience it more.
I like to think that within this broad spectrum of individual experiences as stated, we may be experiencing in our individual ways some aspect of Chi, the Life Force.