October 7, 2019 is a BIG day for lucy... everydaytaichi.org is now 10 years old!
Teaching Tai Chi
to all who come to learn is my foremost mission.
to all who come to learn is my foremost mission.
is an ever growing field that brings me stimulation and challenges as I do the best job I can as a producer for Olelo, Hawaii's community media television station.
is an ever growing field that brings me stimulation and challenges as I do the best job I can as a producer for Olelo, Hawaii's community media television station.
around the world spreading our tai chi aloha has brought us many memories of our travel mates as well as how we embrace our tai chi into our daily routine everyday while on tour!
around the world spreading our tai chi aloha has brought us many memories of our travel mates as well as how we embrace our tai chi into our daily routine everyday while on tour!
Being our 10 year anniversary since our website was launched on Oct. 7, 2009, it's
Time for a Tribute for Ten Years Active on the Web
Ten years ago I was busy taking care of my mother and yet trying to balance my avocation
to promote my tai chi endeavors.
As I reflect on the many nice years that have past,
I am appreciative of
my parents' patience, love and devotion to our well being
as their personalities have been blended into who I am today.
Time for a Tribute for Ten Years Active on the Web
Ten years ago I was busy taking care of my mother and yet trying to balance my avocation
to promote my tai chi endeavors.
As I reflect on the many nice years that have past,
I am appreciative of
my parents' patience, love and devotion to our well being
as their personalities have been blended into who I am today.