What is Yang Style 24 Short Form Tai Chi?
The Yang style is the most popular and it consists of slow continuous, soft and circular movements in a flowing form. To do Tai Chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing. All forms of Tai Chi include rhythmic patterns of movement that are coordinated with breathing. In order to perform Tai Chi properly, the body moves as a unit. Timing of movement is very important--all parts of the body start and end at the same time. During transitions and weight shifts the weight ideally is on one foot, keeping the body upright. Commonly referred to as "separating the weight”, or substantial and insubstantial. The slower and lower the movement, the greater the strength and endurance benefit.
In 1956, a group of Taichiquan experts organized by the State Physical Culture and Sport Commission created the simplified 24 set taichiquan based on Yang Style Taichiquan. making a complicated form simple and removing repetitions.
Names of the 24 Movements in Sequence
1. Commencing Form
2. Parting the Horse's Mane 3. White Crane Spreads its Wings 4. Brush Knee 5. Playing the Lute 6. Repulsing the Monkey 7. Grasping the Bird's Tail on the Right 8. Grasping the Bird's Tail on the Left 9. Single Whip 10. Cloud Hands 11. Single Whip 12. High Pat on the Horse |
13. Kick Out with the Right Heel
14. Double Punch 15. Turn, Kick Out with the Left Heel 16. Serpent in the Grass on the Right, Golden Cockerel Stands on its Left Leg 17. Serpent in the Grass on the Left, Golden Cockerel Stands on its Right Leg 18. Maiden Working the Shuttles 19. Needle at the Bottom of the Sea 20. Flash Arms like a Fan 21. Turn, Deflect, Parry and Punch 22. Apparent Closing and Push 23. Cross Hands 24. Closing Form |