everydaytaichi ... a life long learner
everydaytaichi lucy has been very fortunate to give seminars and informative and interactive presentations to community groups to help spread the art of tai chi.
Guest Instructor at Central Park Self Help group at Central Park, San Mateo, California
Presenter at the state wide Lion's Club Convention at the Ala Maoan Hotel, Honoluu, Hawaii
Presenter at the state wide Lion's Club Convention at the Ala Maoan Hotel, Honoluu, Hawaii
Guest speaker for Alpha Delta Kappa sorority of educators of pricipals at Kamiloiki School
Main speaker at the annual COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Seminar, Queen's Hospital Auditorium, Honolulu, Hawaii
Guest Speaker at educators teachers sorority at Waialae Country Club, Honolulu, Hawaii