New Fall 2016 Yang style tai chi classes by lucy chun at Kilauea District Park, Honolulu, Hawaii9/28/2016 Fall Tai Chi classes at Kilauea District Park
Start first week in October Level 1 Mondays 5:30PM (Oct. 3 - Dec. 12, class cancelled Oct. 17 for Prof. Li workshop) Level 2 Tuesdays 9AM ( Oct. 4 - Dec. 13 ) Level 1 Thursdays 9AM ( Oct. 6 - Dec. 15 ) Level 3 Thursdays 10AM (Oct. 6 - Dec. 15 ) Send me an email to let me know if you are interested in enrolling in the above classes. I will have registration forms in class for you to fill out. Non-Instructional session is ongoing throughout the year, ALL can participate. Mondays 9-10AM at Aina Koa Park Fridays 9:15-10:15AM at Kilauea District Park Click here for levels of classes offered. If you miss the above dates and would like to join us, email me at: [email protected] Yang Style Tai Chi: 24 Universal Form, 10 Form & 16 Forms Tai Chi Classes in Honolulu, Hawaii at Kilauea District Park by everydaytaichi by lucy chun Click here for location of Kilauea District Park The schedule below is our regular tai chi class times throughout the year BUT not during the summer months. In June we hold evening classes. 1. Level 1: for brand new students who have NO experience Mondays 5:30-6:30PM (10 weeks ) Yang 10 form Thursdays 9-10 AM (10 weeks) Yang 10 form 2. Level 2: for those students who have had Level 1: Yang 10 form Tuesdays 9-10AM (10 weeks) Yang 24 form 3. Level 3: for those students who have had Yang 10 and 24 forms Thursdays 10-11AM (10 weeks) Yang 16 form for more info on classes, email me at [email protected] ken's garden grew wild while we were away with all the rain we've been having in Honolulu, Hawaii9/21/2016 TIMBER!! everydaytaichi ken and Stuart chop down a 30' King palm tree in Irvine, California9/20/2016 everydaytaichi lucy does Yang style tai chi at Grant Grove, Sequoia King's Canyon National Park9/15/2016 We will be hosting Prof. Li on Sunday, Oct. 16 1:30-3:30PM at Kilauea District Park. Please save this date for his interactive program, first to be held in Hawaii. He is a grandmaster of Yang style tai chi, highly respected with institutes in the U.K. and all over the world. Prof. Li’s uncle developed Yang 24 form. Prof. Li, himself, devised Yang 42 form and was on the committee that developed Yang 10 and 16 forms for China. Learning Taijiquan from the Master 跟名师学太极 2016年月10月16日夏威夷教学讲稿 1 Opening (2 min) 一、 开场(时间2分) 各位老师、各位拳友大家好! 我很高兴有机会与各位一起练习太极拳。 前一小时,我教初学者几个简化太极拳的动作,使初学者对太极拳有一个初步体检 后半部分,请会练简化24式太极拳的朋友全套练习一遍,我针对大家的情况提出一些改进建议。 2 Introduction (5 min) 二、 介绍(5分) 首先我向初学朋友介绍一下太极拳:太极拳是中国传统武术中的一种拳法。做为博斗功夫,它讲究以柔克刚,以巧取胜。当对方进攻时,我顺势走化,引对方落空,进而伺机反攻,取得四两拨千斤的效果。做为健身养生功夫,太极拳要求心静体松,自然和谐,在意识引导下,轻柔连贯、绵绵不断地运动,达到动中寓静,动以养身,静以养心,身心双修的效果。 太极拳是中国古老的、科学的、有效的健身防身运动。它体现了天人合一,道法自然,太极阴阳,生生不息的中国古老文化,也表现了中华民族立身中正,仁爱和谐,先礼后兵的伦理道德。 3 Warmup Exercises (8 min) Eight Brocades Qigong
在正式练习前,请大家随我做热身运动,热身的方式有多种,今天我们教大家一套在中国一千年前宋朝就开始流传的导引体操,《八段锦》全套八个动作,请大家随我一起做 预备势:身体自然站立,两脚分开,目视前方。 第一节:两手托天理三焦 第二节:左右弯弓似射雕 第三节:调理脾胃须单举 第四节:五劳七伤往后瞧 第五节:摇头摆尾去心火 第六节:两手攀足固肾腰 第七节:攒拳怒目增气力 第八节:背后七颠百病消 4 Detailed Explanation of First Five Movements (45 min) Preparation: Body naturally upright, feet together, hands at the side of the thighs, eyes looking straight ahead, mentally calm and focused, body relaxed. #1 Commencing form #2 Part the Wild Horse's Mane #3 White Crane Spreads its Wings #4 Brush Knee & Twist Step (Left and Right) #5 Playing the Lute (Pipa) 四、 教学(45分) 现在我教大家简化太极拳的前五个动作 预备势:身体自然站立,两脚并拢,两手垂于大腿外侧。眼平视前方。心平气和,思想集中,立身中正,身体舒松。 第一式: 起势 动作说明:
动作说明略 动作要领略 第三式:白鹤亮翅 说明、要领(略) 第四式:左右搂膝拗步 说明、要领(略) 第五式:手挥琵琶 说明、要领(略) 5 Practice the Simplified Taijiquan 24-step Form Together (8 min) 五、 演练(8分) 请会练24式简化太极拳的朋友集体练习一遍 6 Detailed Explanation of 10 Taijiquan Principles (45 min) #1 Raise the spirit & crown - don’t look old and sickly #2 Upright posture - don’t lean forward or backward #3 Relaxed and lively - don’t be tensed and uptight #4 Step lightly - don’t drag your feet in the mud #5 Clear technical movement - don’t dance around with your arms and legs #6 Unify the upper and lower body - don’t disconnect the arms and legs #7 Maintain bended knees and loose hip - don’t bob up and down #8 Stay focused - don’t let your mind be distracted #9 Distinguish the substantial/full and insubstantial/empty - don’t mix up the two #10 Unify the Chi and physical power - don’t separate the chi and physical power 六、 讲解(45分) 择要讲解要领,边讲解边带大家练习。 1、虚灵顶劲---不要老态病容 2、立身中正---不要偏仰歪斜 3、要松活自然—不要紧张拚搏 4、步法轻灵---不要拖泥带水 5、招法清楚---不要手舞足蹈 6、上下相随---不要手脚脱节 7、屈腿落胯—不要起伏不定 8、神聚意领---不要身在心不在 9、虚实分清---不要死水一潭 10. 气力相合---不要气力分家 7 Concluding Remarks (2 min) 七、结束语(2分) If you are interested in attending Prof. Li Deyin's workshop, contact: lucy chun at [email protected]
Lucy's BLOG
October 2020
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