Everyone has something they want to achieve, a dream or goal they're working toward. Often, it can seem challenging, especially for women. Wherever you may be on the path to your personal success, below I have shared 15 simple achievable steps to reaching the summits of success and happiness, and become a powerhouse.
1. Success is a choice
The most successful people choose to be successful, with powerful intention. The more effort you put in, the more you will get out of it. In order to do this, we need to take responsibility. Take control, commit to the journey and give it 100 percent commitment and dedication.
2. Set clear goals and visualize your success
"Set daily, monthly and long-term goals and dreams. Don't ever be afraid to dream too big. Nothing is impossible. If you believe in yourself you can achieve it." -- Nastia Liukin.
All successful people have clear goals, and they visualize them and feel them. To take it one step further, write them down. Make sure your goals and vision are simple and clear. Look at them every day and take one step at a time.
3. Attitude is critical
In order to succeed, it's vital to become a 'can do' person. This should reflect in everything you do, whether at work or at home. Believe in yourself and become a positive force to be reckoned with. Don't let self-criticism sneak in; it's a killer.
4. Stand out from the crowd
One of the biggest keys to success is learning to take a stand and be different. Don't be the person sitting next to you, but take a daring leap into being different. Don't follow the crowd; take your own path and take it a notch higher from the rest.
5. Focus on the bigger picture
Focus on your bigger goals and have the right mind-set, realizing it takes effort and commitment to achieve your targets. Learn from your mistakes and don't let them bring you down. Work on the bigger picture every day.
6. Be tenacious
Be determined and never give up, no matter what stands in your way. Not one successful person has ever had an unobstructed path to success. Sometimes you need to weather the storm to see the brilliant sunshine that comes afterward.
7. The power of visualization
If you really want something badly, then see it, visualize it and make it accessible so that you feel like you can almost touch it. Napoleon Hill said: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
8. Learning for life
Successful people never stop learning. When you hit an obstacle, pick yourself up and get back in the driving seat again. Strive to improve yourself all the time.
9. Actions speaks louder than words
Become an action-taker and remember that every single person is special in their own right, and that includes you. Do something; don't just stand back and wait for opportunities to fall into your lap. There's no room for excuses.
10. Say goodbye to negativity
Negative feelings like worry and fear can seriously hold you back. We're often stuck in our childhood, which brings blocks. Our childhood programming, so to speak, is important, as it can lead you to learn more about yourself; but if you're stuck there, try to step out of that zone. Banish the fear and move beyond it.
11. Holistic well-being and meditation for success
It is important to take care of your health and your mind, as all successful people do. In order to reach new heights, look after your health, connect to your spiritual side and look after your overall wellbeing. Take time out for meditation or prayer to centre yourself and keep grounded.
12. Surround yourself with success
Network with successful people; surround yourself with positive like-minded individuals. Not only will you learn a lot, but the influence of these people will rub off on you.
13. Practice effective time management
Time is a precious thing, and if you don't practice effective and efficient time management, you could find yourself drowning and not achieving the goals you've set out to achieve.
14. Learn appreciation and gratitude
Always be grateful and appreciate what you have. This allows you to celebrate victories along the way, whether large or small. This will give you a healthy, positive outlook on life.
15. Be coached and mentored
This is one of the best-kept secrets to success: hire a coach or mentor to help keep you on track for achieving your goals. They will provide support, encourage you to maintain a positive attitude, and keep you accountable and focused, fast-tracking you to success.