1. NO music
2. NO instructions
3. NO camera ... no filming
4. NO Victor
5. NO counting
For about 25 minutes we did all our warm up exercises, tai chi walk and Yang 24 and 10 Form without any instructions. This is not the norm.
We had no audio cues and had to watch others or do our own tai chi. A few said that it was nice because they got carried away and did thier own thing. They went with the flow.
What was the purpose?
everydaytaichi lucy wanted her students to understand that at some point you have to have the confidence and trust that you can depend on yourself and do tai chi independent of others.
You gradually internalize your tai chi and take ownership of what you do, feel and want in your journey to learn tai chi.
We all have our own GPS so to speak. Turn it on, listen and follow and get to your own destination.
It is your path you develop in finding peace, happiness and balance in life.