1. How to navigate to see current online lessons:
Lucy’s BLOG will have ALL online lessons as soon as I have edited our class lesson which is usually within 24 hours. You’ll need to scroll down once on Lucy’s BLOG to find your video. Also, on the blog posts there will be 2 hyperlinks that if clicked on to, will take you either to
1) my webpage where there is a cumulative list of all class lessons and
2) a link to my YouTube channel, everydaytaichi4U.
Here are the hyperlinks:
Click here for more online tai chi video lessons by lucy.
Click here for everydaytaichi4U YouTube channel.
(You can select a filter on YouTube to see either my playlists or opt for seeing the NEWEST videos posted.)
Some tai chi students choose to subscribe to our YouTube channel so they can be alerted to all new videos that I post on YouTube.
2. What more is available to you.
T-Shirts $15
Tai Chi slip ons unisex: $15-$18
DVD’s $10 ( 1 hour duration or longer )
1) Yang Style Tai Chi for Intro Students
2) 3 in 1: Yang 10, 24 & 16 Forms
3) Non-Instructional Format for 1 Hour of Practice
4) NEW: Collection of Lessons on Yang 24 from Serpent in the Grass to Closing Form ( Includes all the more difficult movements.)
5) Luk Tung Kuen LTK Chinese stretching exercise with 36 movements by lucy done outdoors in Hawaii Kai Town Center center stage ( Cross Training that I’ve recently introduced.)
everydaytaichi lucy’s calendar:
1. April 16 and/or April 18:
Last day of our 15 week Spring 2019 session
2. Saturday 9AM May 4, 2019:
6th Annual World Tai Chi Day at Kahala Mall
( Participants pls wear tai chi T- shirts and black long pants.)
Followed by Happy Day lunch 11AM
3. April 30 -May 30
5 week summer session at Kilauea park:
9AM Tuesdays- Level 3, Yang 16
9AM Thursdays-Level 2, Yang 24
4. June 13-28
Lucy and students travel to the Silk Road
5. NEW Fall tai chi classes resume in September (back to regular 15 wk. schedule)
Don’t forget Monday and Friday non-instructional sessions at 9AM are ONGOING unless Kilauea park is closed on city holidays.
Our enrollment is continually increasing and changing that I have lost track of a few of you and wonder if I’m sending you an email and you are no longer with us. Please feel free to lmk so I can streamline and purge my contact list.